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Is CBD Safe for Puppies?

If you recently adopted or rescued a puppy, you may be wondering if CBD is safe for puppies. Hemp oil, also known as CBD or cannabidiol, has risen in popularity, and puppies certainly experience multiple challenging stages as they mature. Many breeds of dogs are still considered “puppies” until the age of two.

Reasons to Administer CBD

  • Our top priority at Whiskerly is to provide quality products to support the health and wellness of your pet through all stages of life, excluding infancy; that’s mama’s privilege. Many are misled to believe that only dogs in the mid-to-late stages of life benefit from a cbd REGIMEN.

  • Many pet parents administer CBD products to promote a healthy digestive tract, joint support, promote calmness, and ease allergy symptoms.

How young is too young?

  • We believe you and your vet know what’s best for your puppy, so please consult your veterinary professional prior to administering CBD and know that many vets are not advocates of plant-based wellness. That being said, our recommendation would be to wait until your puppy is at least 4-6 months old.

CBD for Training

  • As you go through the stages of training, CBD can help a hyperactive puppy become more apt to pay attention to their trainer and not fear them as a threat.

  • Also, Shaking hands or high-fiving your trainer (if they’ll allow) also adds your pheromones (scent) to their scent helping puppy sense them as friend not foe.

CBD for Chewing

  • Teething can cause inflammation and pain for your puppy. Baby teeth will begin falling out at around 3 months old, and by 6 months old they should begin growing adult teeth. Puppies will chew, chew, chew on anything they can find including walls and window sills. CBD has been known to help ease the symptoms of teething!

CBD for Allergies

  • Both Humans and dogs have endocannabinoid systems (ECS) which is largely comprised of endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes that are believed to help regulate a variety of functions in human including sleep, mood, memory, appetite, reproduction, and pain sensations. Without getting too technical, CBD helps calm the receptors enflamed by allergies because it’s an anti-inflammatory. Not only can it help sooth the skin and swelling, the carrier oils also help maintain a healthy coat for your puppy!

CBD for Storms

  • Storms can be horrifying for pets, especially puppies. Strong winds, hail hitting the windows or roof, thunder, and flashing lights from power outages can cause high levels of anxiety from which it can take a while to recover. Administering CBD is an effective way to calm this anxiety.

CBD for Stranger Danger

  • The past few years, we’ve all learned how to social distance and work from home. while more time at home has been beneficial for pets in many ways, the lack of socializing—albeit no longer an issue—also meant that pets weren’t able to be as social. The world may be slowly getting back to a more social way of life (yay), puppies may consider anyone outside of their circle of trust a threat. Administering CBD before leashed walks, visits to daycare, family gatherings, dog park visits, and guest arrival combats their fear and uncertainty.

CBD for Rest

  • Some may attest to the fact that CBD is better for anxiety and pain, while CBN is better for rest. We’re actively researching CBN, but CBD has been used by many pet parents to help their pets rest. Be it noisy neighbors, a July 4th or graduation display of fireworks nearby, honking horns in traffic, or a barking dog in the yard behind yours, our world can be quite boisterous at times. A bit of unsolicited advice: Please consider your pet during these instances. While it may seem like all fun and games to us, dogs of all ages silently suffer (sometimes not-so-silently). CBD can help your puppy find some Z’s and endure the noise.

  • Of course, noise may not be the only reason a puppy can’t sleep. Perhaps they’ve just had their vaccinations, are acclimating to a new home with you or new fur siblings, or are coping with PTSD. Lots of love, consistency with a routine, and an appropriate CBD regimen may help!

CBD for Pain

  • Puppies are often spayed or neutered, get into tussles with predators or siblings, and/or require surgeries at times. Plant-based options for pain management such as CBD will help your puppy avoid possible side effects from traditional options.

We encourage you to do your own research, speak with your veterinary professional, and reach out to us with any questions or support you may have or need. You know what’s best for your family and that includes your pet(s).

Boops and Buntings,